Unlimited emails
from healthcare providers in Canada

Access 10,000+ healthcare providers instantly

A sourcing database designed for healthcare

Verified Personal Emails

Each candidate includes verified email contact information

Dozens of Datapoints

We features dozens of datapoints including speciality, work history, education, and location

filter by Speciality

Filter by your specialty focus to target exactly the right candidates

save Time and Resources

Save time and resources on your search


$ 495
  • Cancel Anytime
  • Updated data every month
  • Unlimited contact info
  • Unlimited exports
  • Weekly Updates

Full Database

$ 2450
  • One-Time Payment
  • Access to Full Health Care Database
  • Unlimited contact info
  • Unlimited exports


Our database is crafted from HealthX data, alongside major healthcare databases.

Candidate data is curated by our team, who dedicate thousands of hours each month to meticulously analyzing numerous data points in order to pinpoint and recognize top healthcare talent.

Our data undergoes weekly updates to maintain accuracy, and all contact information is rigorously verified for reliability.

Our data is unique because we exclusively provide personal email addresses, avoiding the common practice of using recycled or guessed business emails, resulting in significantly higher accuracy rates, as typical business email guessing methods are only about 50% accurate

After selecting the service you’d like you’ll receive a welcome email and invite to the database. 

Our plans provide unlimited access to the database, including contact information, without any additional costs or credit system in place.

  1. Easy Access: You get direct access to our database without needing to learn new software.
  2. Unlimited Contacts: No limits on accessing contact information, unlike others who charge per use.
  3. No Annual Commitment: You’re not locked into a yearly contract, giving you more flexibility.
  4. Transparent Pricing: We keep things simple and upfront, so you know exactly what you’re paying for without any surprises.

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